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Egg Quality + is here! Get it now!

They said there was nothing we could do about the quality of our eggs…

They were wrong.

They said there was nothing we could do about the quality of our eggs…

They were wrong.

Before you start planning to get pregnant... plan to start Egg Quality +

Whether you're gearing up for IVF, in your mid-30s or beyond, or just wanting to give your eggs the best chances at developing in to a healthy baby, Egg Quality + is for you.

Egg Quality + is your short-term bestie: designed to be taken in the months before conception where powerful antioxidants can support egg health and boost your chances of a healthy pregnancy.

half body photo of Kelly Leveque, CCN holding a fork and a plate with salad on it

Egg Quality + is a researched supplement you can take and feel empowered. And when you feel empowered, you lower your stress levels. We know that when we lower our stress levels as women, we can put our bodies in a state where our fertility is improved. So not only is Egg Quality + working clinically, it's working emotionally.

Kelly LeVeque Certified Clinical Nutritionist
half body photo of Brigid Titgemeier, MS, RDN, IFNCP

Egg Quality+ is a dream formulation with the targeted antioxidants and nutrients that I’ve used with clients for extra support in their fertility journey.

Brigid Titgemeier MS, RDN, IFNCP

Scientists used to believe that the quality of a woman’s eggs were fixed based on age...and while age does play a role in the quality of a woman’s eggs, we now know that egg quality 
is not fixed.

Lisa Dreher

Age doesn’t define your fertility.
 We can improve egg quality in
our 30s, 40s and beyond.

Kathie Swift
Age + Your Eggs

Don’t Act Your Age

Scientists used to believe that a woman's egg quality was fixed at birth and gets worse with age...

and while age does play a role, we now know there is so much we can do to improve egg quality. Egg quality is actually more likely to deteriorate in the

3 to 4 months before ovulation

during a process called meiosis. This means there’s a lot you can do to optimize your egg health before trying to conceive, that isn’t just defined by your age alone.

This short window is where Egg Quality + can change everything...

When we prioritize egg health in the short-term, we increase our chances of meeting one of our most important long term goals:  

Healthy Conception

So how do we fuel our bodies at any age to optimize egg health before trying to conceive?

Mama to be, meet Mitochondria...

Mitochondria (Powerhouse of the Cell)

Boost Mitochondria & Fuel Your Fertility

Mitochondria are the cell's energy generators, constantly fueling the processes that keep your eggs healthy and strong.

A developing egg, has more mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA than any other cellular organelle in the body

The quality of the mitochondria in the developing egg determines the quality of the embryo.

Supporting mitochondria is crucial to egg health & baby’s development

When we support mitochondrial health we are ensuring our eggs have the energy they need to mature and fertilize successfully.

By boosting mitochondrial function with the right nutrients,
you're giving your eggs the power to thrive. 

A little goes a
long way...

Using Egg Quality + while you are TTC can yield life long results.

Why? It is formulated to enhance mitochondrial energy production, which supports the quality of the embryo at conception and beyond.


Before Motherhood, There’s Meiosis

Each egg takes 3 to 4 months to mature before ovulation

3 months
before ovulation

Meiosis I

Meiosis II


Meiosis is a miraculous process where our cells work to divide our chromosomes and minimize errors that can impact egg quality

In order to make Meiosis happen, our bodies rely on healthy mitochondria.

When we aren’t powering our mitochondria errors during embryo creation are more likely to happen, which is the leading cause of miscarriages.

By focusing on this short term window to support a successful Meiosis, you can help produce
healthier eggs.

Egg Quality + includes ingredients that support successful meiosis, leading to better egg quality.

Transformative Ingredients

Doctor Formulated For Targeted Fertility Support

Sample of Coq10
CoQ10 (Ubiquinone)
Dose: 400mg
    • Can help support overall reproductive health.
    • Potent antioxidant that supports general cellular energy production.
    • Helps reduce oxidative stress and promotes normal inflammatory responses.
    • Enhances mitochondrial health, slowing down the aging process of eggs.
Sample of L-cysteine
N-Acetly L-Cysteine (NAC)
Dose: 800mg
    • Potent antioxidant that supports glutathione production, the body’s primary detoxification molecule (toxins in the body can disrupt the nervous system, immune system and reproductive system).
    • Promotes healthy egg growth and ovulation by reducing oxidative stress and supporting detoxification.
    • Shown to optimize ovarian function.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
Dose: 400mg
    • Enhances sex hormone production, aiding in the development and quality of the embryo.
    • Supports cellular energy production by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria.
    • Promotes hormonal balance and may support the development of the endometrium, which may help support a healthy uterine lining.
Sample of L-carnitine
Acetyl L-Carnitine
Dose: 150mg
    • Enhances sex hormone production, aiding in the development and quality of the embryo.
    • Supports cellular energy production by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria.
    • Promotes hormonal balance and may support the development of the endometrium, which may help support a healthy uterine lining.
PQQ as PureQQâ„¢ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone)
Dose: 20mg
    • Stimulates the production of new mitochondria.
    • Works synergistically with CoQ10 to optimize cellular energy generation.
    • Activates genes responsible for mitochondrial reproduction, protection, and repair.
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CoQ10 (Ubiquinone)
Dose: 400mg
Sample of Coq10
  • Can help support overall reproductive health.
  • Potent antioxidant that supports general cellular energy production.
  • Helps reduce oxidative stress and promotes normal inflammatory responses.
  • Enhances mitochondrial health, slowing down the aging process of eggs.

Science shows we have better options, and we agreed

Meet Egg Quality +

NAC, CoQ10, Alpha lipoic acid, L-Carnitine, PQQ

  • Helps combat oxidative stress

  • Helps improve ovarian function and egg quality 
  • Antioxidant protection
  • Supports and balances hormones

  • Helps regulate and support ovulation

  • Supports healthy inflammatory response

The WeNatal Difference

icon of capsules being opened with the particles inside falling out

Bioavailable nutrients

icon of 3 capsules outside its open jar

Clinically recommended doses backed by science

Third-party certified
for safety

icon of a stethoscope

Formulated by leading doctors and nutritionists

HSA/FSA eligible 

Clean ingredients and allergen free 

Experience the Difference Yourself
most popular
$69.95 $64.95/MO $2.17 per serving
  • Refillable Glass Jar
  • Free Nutrition Consult
  • Pause or Cancel any time
  • 30-day Guarantee
  • Earth friendly pouch only
  • No subscription
See nutritional label Green Arrow
    Experience the Difference Yourself Nutritional Label


    For optimal absorption, take Egg Quality + with a meal that contains fat, as CoQ10 is fat-soluble. It's recommended to split the dose throughout the day- either take one capsule with each meal or two with breakfast and one with lunch. Research consistently shows that dividing the doses leads to better absorption.

    Research shows it takes about 90 days (or three cycles) for an egg to mature, this is why we recommend starting Egg Quality + at least three months before conception. CoQ10 plays a crucial role in optimizing fertility during the preconception phase but should be avoided during pregnancy due to insufficient research on its safety. For this reason, we suggest using Egg Quality + before pregnancy.

    There is no current research that shows higher doses of NAC and CoQ10 will provide an additional benefit above what is included in WeNatal for Him. Always remember the bell-shaped curve (benefit up to a certain amount, then you lose benefit as you go higher and it may become problematic). 

    While the ingredients in Egg Quality + would not be harmful postpartum, we’d encourage you to prioritize nutrients found in WeNatal for Her & Omega DHA+like Iron, choline, vitamin A, D, B vitamins, and DHA. These nutrients play a vital role in supporting postpartum recovery, energy levels, and overall well-being, as well as in promoting healthy breastfeeding and your baby's development.

    Research has shown the ingredients within Egg Quality + may help support PCOS, unexplained infertility, recurrent miscarriage, and women trying to conceive over the age of 35. Read the science here.

    When formulating Wenatal for Her it was important for us to keep the capsule count to only 3, and adding more ingredients would increase this. Also, it’s important to nourish & support your body for the specific fertility stage you are in. WeNatal (and the science) shows a one-size-fits-all approach is not ideal when it comes to optimizing your conception, a healthy pregnancy and successful postpartum recovery. As mentioned above, CoQ10 plays a crucial role in optimizing fertility during the preconception phase but should be avoided during pregnancy due to insufficient research on its safety.

    It’s okay to take at the same time. However, for optimal absorption, take Egg Quality + with a meal that contains fat or Omega DHA+, as CoQ10 is fat-soluble. It's recommended to split the dose throughout the day- either take one capsule with each meal or two with breakfast and one with lunch. Research consistently shows that dividing the doses leads to better absorption.

    We added Inositol to WeNatal for Her to allow us to offer it in more meaningful dosages that would be difficult to achieve in Egg Quality +.

    We third-party test every batch of Egg Quality + for performance and quality, including nutritional content, pesticides/herbicides, heavy metals, microbes, allergens, and other contaminants.

    Yes! Egg Quality + is free of all major allergens, is vegan and Non-GMO.

    It’s all about what helps you stay consistent! If taking everything at once helps you stick with it, go for it! For optimal absorption, especially with Egg Quality +, it's ideal to spread them out throughout the day. But ultimately, it’s better to take them all at once than trying to spread them out and accidentally missing doses.

    Here’s a suggested regimen if you prefer spacing them out:

    • Breakfast: 2 WeNatal for Her, 1 Egg Quality+, and 2 Fish Oil
    • Lunch: 1 WeNatal for Her, 1 Egg Quality+
    • Dinner: 1 Egg Quality+

    The key is consistency—so choose the routine that works best for you!

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