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Building Nutrient Reserves Before Pregnancy—Why It's Important

Smiling couple enjoying a healthy meal, with the woman about to take her WeNatal supplement, highlighting wellness, family connection, and nutrition for conception and pregnancy.


Pregnancy is a transformative journey that demands utmost care and attention to ensure the healthy development of the baby. There are so many things to consider and lifestyle changes to implement. But one crucial aspect that is often overlooked is the need to start taking prenatal supplements before conception. Prenatals are powerhouses of nutrients that can play a life-changing role in safeguarding both your health and the well-being of your future baby. 

In this blog, we explore the important reasons why building nutrient stores before pregnancy is essential, dive into the science behind the benefits and discuss why prenatal supplements should be considered a vital component of preconception health. 

  1. Building Nutrient Stores: 

The early weeks of pregnancy are critical for the embryo's development and implementation. As soon as conception occurs, the rapidly developing embryo uses the mother’s nutrient stores to support its growth. During this time, there is a significant cellular turnover, and the embryo requires a plethora of nutrients to develop properly.  If there are not adequate stores of nutrients to meet the high metabolic demands of early pregnancy, fetal growth and organ development could be compromised.

Taking a comprehensive prenatal before pregnancy ensures that essential nutrients, such as choline and folate, are readily available when conception occurs, facilitating a healthy start for the developing fetus.

  1. Set yourself up for success during the first trimester 

The first trimester is often characterized by food aversions and morning sickness, which can hinder the ability to maintain a well-balanced diet  By starting prenatal supplements before conception, women can build nutrient reserves that can compensate for any nutrient deficiencies during this crucial period- when all you can stomach is bland food like crackers and toast. This ensures that both mom and the baby receive adequate nourishment, even when dietary choices can be lacking. 

  1. Optimal Health Before Pregnancy:

Waiting until the pregnancy is confirmed to start taking prenatal supplements may not provide the baby with the best possible foundation for development. It can take weeks or longer to build up nutrient reserves, and by day 28 after conception, neural tubes close. By focusing on preconception health, parents can ensure that their bodies are in prime condition to support a healthy pregnancy from the very beginning. A prenatal supplement is tailored to meet the specific health needs during this transformative stage.

Another important thing to consider is Sperm take two to three months to mature, so male preconception supplements should be taken for at least three months before trying to conceive. This frequent turnover allows the body to produce new and healthy sperm, replacing older sperm that might have accumulated genetic or structural abnormalities. Sperm health is essential for successful conception and the development of a healthy embryo. One of the best and easiest way to support sperm is to ensure men take a comprehensive men’s prenatal at least 3 months before conception. 

  1. Epigenetics and Healthy Baby Development:

Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene activity that do not involve alterations to the DNA sequence. Parent’s diet and lifestyle choices before and during pregnancy can have a significant impact on the baby's epigenetic marks and long-term health outcomes- such as their risk for developing certain diseases. Proper nutrition through prenatal supplements can help ensure that the baby receives essential nutrients that positively influence their epigenetic expression, promoting healthy development and reducing the risk of certain health conditions later in life.

  1. Addressing Soil Depletion and Nutrition Quality:

Modern agricultural practices have led to depleted soil, which means that fruits and vegetables may not contain the same level of nutrients they once did. As a result, even a seemingly balanced diet may lack essential vitamins and minerals. Prenatal supplements bridge this gap by providing a reliable source of vital nutrients that are essential for both the parent’s well-being and the health of the growing baby.

Proper nutrition through prenatal supplements not only supports the immediate needs of pregnancy but also plays a vital role in shaping the future health of the child through epigenetic influences. These supplements help combat the impact of our modern day environmental stressors, ensuring that the baby receives essential nutrients for a healthy and thriving life.

Whether planned or unplanned, incorporating clean, premium prenatal supplements into a preconception routine is a proactive step towards nurturing a healthy pregnancy and setting the stage for a lifetime of well-being. WeNatal’s prenatal for women (WeNatal for Her) contains 24 essential nutrients in their most absorbable forms with clinically-proven ingredients to support you from preconception, through pregnancy to postpartum.

Ronit Menashe

Ronit Menashe, co-founder of WeNatal, is driven by a deep belief in accessible health and wellness. Inspired by her experiences with pregnancy loss in early 2020, Ronit became extremely passionate about the fertility space. She learned the importance of men's health in supporting healthy pregnancies, leading her to reimagine gender paradigms around fertility and pregnancy. Ronit is now driven to create the next generation of prenatal supplements, aiming to make a positive impact on the health of both parents. Her mission-driven business, WeNatal, seeks to provide clean wellness brands with a premium experience, making a positive impact on lives worldwide.

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