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The Crucial Link Between Hydration and Fertility

The Crucial Link Between Hydration and Fertility
Hydration is often hailed as the cornerstone of good health, but its importance extends far beyond normal bodily functions. When it comes to fertility and pregnancy (& beyond) staying adequately hydrated plays a pivotal role in supporting a healthy pregnancy journey and optimizing reproductive health for both men and women.

The Importance of Hydration in Fertility


Water makes up about two thirds of the adult body, and close to 80% of a newborn’s body. It is essential for digestion, body temperature regulation, balancing chemicals, and transporting nutrients. Without water, our organs wouldn’t be able to properly function. When you’re trying to conceive, it’s important to nourish your body in all the ways possible to create a healthy environment for a fetus to thrive. If you’re TTC, try to drink at least six cups of water a day to stay hydrated.


The vitamins and minerals you’re consuming through your prenatal vitamins and healthy diet are key factors for maintaining a healthy lifestyle when trying to get pregnant, but in order to use these nutrients correctly, your body needs plenty of water. Good hydration is necessary during every step of your pregnancy journey, especially when trying to conceive. 


Deeper Dive on How Hydration Affects Fertility


Optimal fertility is dependent on various factors, and hydration is undeniably one of them. Our blood, muscles, and brain are mostly water, and water is essential for building healthy cervical fluid, follicle, and semen fluid. Proper hydration ensures that the body functions optimally, creating an environment conducive to conception. Here are some specific ways hydration can support fertility:


  1. 1. Hormonal Balance: Adequate hydration supports hormonal balance, crucial for regulating menstrual cycles and ovulation. Dehydration can disrupt hormone production, potentially leading to irregular cycles and ovulatory dysfunction.
  2. 2. Cervical Mucus Quality: Hydration affects cervical mucus consistency, which plays a vital role in fertility. Well-hydrated individuals tend to have healthier cervical mucus, facilitating sperm transport and increasing the chances of successful conception.
  3. 3. Sperm Health: For men, hydration is equally important for maintaining sperm quality and quantity. Dehydration can lead to decreased sperm production and motility, impacting fertility outcomes.
  4. 4. Uterine Health: Hydration supports uterine health by promoting adequate blood flow to the reproductive organs. A well-hydrated uterus provides an optimal environment for implantation and fetal development.


Hydration During Pregnancy

Once pregnancy is achieved, proper hydration remains essential for the health and well-being of both the mother and the developing baby. Here’s why staying hydrated is crucial during pregnancy:


  1. 1. Nutrient Transport: Adequate hydration ensures efficient nutrient transport to the developing fetus. It helps in the delivery of essential nutrients, oxygen, and antibodies, supporting the baby’s growth and development.
  2. 2. Prevention of Pregnancy Complications: Dehydration during pregnancy can increase the risk of various complications, including preterm labor, urinary tract infections, and neural tube defects. Maintaining optimal hydration levels reduces these risks and supports a healthier pregnancy.
  3. 3. Maternal Comfort: Pregnancy can cause increased fluid retention and higher water requirements. Staying hydrated helps alleviate common discomforts such as constipation, swelling, and urinary frequency.
  4. 4. Temperature Regulation: Pregnant women are more susceptible to overheating due to hormonal changes and increased metabolic rate. Proper hydration aids in regulating body temperature, reducing the risk of heat-related complications.


The Quality of Water Matters

Most plastic water bottles sold today are BPA-free, however BPA has been replaced with similar chemicals like bisphenol S (BPS) and bisphenol F (BPF). These alternatives have not been studied as thoroughly and these chemicals are known to be as toxic and have similar effects on the body as BPA.


Even some metal bottles have epoxy linings, which may contain BPA or its alternatives. Glass is widely regarded as the safest material for water bottles. Unlike plastic or metal, glass doesn’t leach harmful chemicals or metals into the water. This ensures safety and purity, and being free from lead or other toxic substances. Additionally, glass is non-porous and doesn’t retain flavors or odors! 

The quality of the water you drink is almost as important as the quantity. You might think buying bottled water is the way to go, however:

  • Most bottled waters aren’t as pure as they claim.

  • Many bottled waters contain heavy metals at higher levels than allowed. 

  • Plastic bottles are manufactured with bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine disruptor that leaches into the water the bottle contains. Multiple studies have shown BPA has a direct negative impact on egg quality, sperm quality, and fertility.

  • BPA-free bottles can be equally—or even more—toxic.


For preconception and pregnancy (and beyond), it’s best to invest in a high-quality filter to eliminate not only fluorine and chlorine, but also pathogens, bacteria, dangerous heavy metals and chemicals, and medication. Clean water options we love: check out aqua tru’s and Berkey’s countertop water filtration systems and Mountain Valley’s home delivery service. We also recommend investing in a water filter for your shower, like AquaBliss. 


6 Tips for Staying Hydrated During Fertility and Pregnancy:


Now that we understand the importance of hydration for fertility and pregnancy health, here are some practical tips to ensure adequate water intake:

  1. 1. Drink Plenty of Water: Aim to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, or more if you’re physically active or pregnant. Our tip; find a water bottle that you love- like our WeNatal Water Bottle. 
  2. 2. Incorporate electrolytes: we love powdered electrolytes like, LMNT! It’s designed to replenish essential electrolytes including sodium, potassium and magnesium. LMNT can support hydration, increase energy, reduce headaches, and improve mental focus. 
  3. 3. Monitor Urine Color: Keep an eye on the color of your urine. Pale yellow or straw-colored urine indicates adequate hydration, while darker urine may signal dehydration. Signs of good hydration are clear to light yellow urine, odorless urine, and no feelings of extreme thirst. 
  4. 4. Stay Hydrated with Hydrating Foods: Incorporate hydrating foods such as fruits (e.g., watermelon, oranges), vegetables (e.g., cucumber, celery), and soups into your diet.
  5. 5. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: Both caffeine and alcohol can contribute to dehydration. Limit your intake of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, especially when trying to conceive or during pregnancy.
  6. 6. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body’s thirst signals and drink water whenever you feel thirsty. Additionally, increase your fluid intake during hot weather or vigorous physical activity.


Bonus Fact: Hydration plays a pivotal role in postpartum health.  Staying hydrated helps replenish fluids lost during childbirth and breastfeeding, aiding in the body’s recovery process. Maintaining optimal hydration levels for breastfeeding mothers is crucial for sustaining milk supply and promoting overall well-being, both for themselves and their newborns.


Hydration is a fundamental aspect of fertility and pregnancy health, influencing various physiological processes essential for conception, gestation, and childbirth. By prioritizing adequate water intake, you can optimize their reproductive wellness, support a healthy pregnancy journey, and enhance the chances of achieving their family planning goals. Remember, when it comes to hydration and fertility/pregnancy health, every sip counts.


WeNatal Glass Water Bottle

Check out our new WeNatal Water Bottle! Crafted from high-quality glass, it ensures that beverages remain free from harmful chemicals often found in plastic containers. With its sleek design and durable construction, this water bottle is not only stylish but also practical, perfect for staying hydrated on the go while minimizing plastic waste. Whether at home, work, or outdoors, WeNatals’ glass water bottle provides a sustainable and hygienic way to quench your thirst and take your prenatals on the go! 

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Vida Delrahim and Ronit Menashe

Vida Delrahim and Ronit Menashe

Best friends since meeting at Nike over 15 years ago. Pregnancy loss, just a week apart changed their career trajectories. As they dug into the research they realized that there was a major need in the fertility and pregnancy industry - a good quality prenatal for BOTH women AND men.

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